A Date Night At The Fair

First, let’s talk about my outfit.

So, jeans and I have never really gotten along. I’d find pairs that were okay, but I always settled. The fit was never perfect. They were either a little too big, or a little too small, a little too long, or a little too short...you get the point. And while it seemed as though the search for the perfect pair of jeans would never cease, (I know I’m being dramatic, but still) I came across Madewell's jeans and decided to try them on. If you’ve never tried on their jeans before, do yourself a favor and make it happen. By far the most amazing jeans I’ve ever worn.

My oversized striped button down I found at Anthropologie a few days before we went to the fair. To me, the faded red and white stripes looked like hot summer nights and county fairs.  

My backpack is Madewell, and it’s perfect ;). Enough said.

My shoes are from Lotta From Stockholm. These clogs are one of my most favorite pair of shoes I’ve ever owned.

Links to goods ;)
Sunglasses, Shoes, Shirt, Jeans, Backpack

So, the fair and I have a love-hate relationship. Like any large county fair, it’s always super crowded, super hot, and super expensive. However, going every summer is a tradition my husband and I can’t seem to quit. Considering Skyler and I have been every year for the past 8 years, there has to be something we love about it.

Speaking of traditions, I LOVE them. Skyler and I have some type of tradition for every season. In the winter we take a 4-day road trip to a national park (if you have any questions on which ones to go to let me know), in the fall we always go apple picking in Julian, in the Spring we go to the Carlsbad flower fields, and in the summer... we go to the fair.

This year might have been my favorite year so far. We went around sunset so the pictures were amazing, and it finally started to cool down outside.

 So, when I actually think about it, I don’t really hate the fair. I love the seriously questionable food. I love that it’s a fun summer date night. I love the ridiculously expensive games, and the cute little animals. I love the Ferris Wheel at sunset and the cheesy photo booth kissing pictures. I love that it’s remained relatively the same for over 100 years.  I guess I just love what it illustrates; tradition and the coming of summer.